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"Study of Bloodstains at Crime Scene "

Leveling course. Ideal for Congresses, WorkShops, Meetings, Seminars and for training criminal experts in greater numbers. It has two modes: Attention! We still are working to translate this page properly. Sorry!

4-hour module:  

Objective: Introduce the analysis of bloodstain pattern analysis to the participant so that they understand the potential of this technique and distinguish between the main bloodstain patterns during their interpretation at the crime scene.

Course resumé :   Theoretical part:  Visualization of the potential of this forensic tool in crime scenes and contextualization of its use around the world. Understanding of a systemic approach to the crime scene when bloodstain interpretation is required. Recognition of the different bloodstain patterns of existing bloodstains and their generation mechanisms: Physical properties of blood: surface tension, viscosity, Interaction of blood with the environment: surfaces, air resistance (drag force), wettability, dripped stains, spatters: Impacted pattern, backspatter, expiration pattern, cast-off pattern, cessation pattern, projected pattern; Pool, saturation, drip pattern, splash; Transferred Stains, altereted stains, insect atctivity, flow stains, drip pattern, skeletonization effect (perimeter stain), contextual Bias. Case studies. Notions of registration of bloodstains on site.

Instructor: Federal Criminal Expert  Antonio A. Canelas Neto

8-hour module (with practical activity):  

Objective:  To present the analysis of bloodstain profiles to the participant so that he/she understands the potential of this technique and distinguishes between the main training profiles during their interpretation at the crime scene.

Course resumé :   Theoretical part - Visualization of the potential of this forensic tool in crime scenes and contextualization of its use around the world. Understanding of a systemic approach to the crime scene when bloodstain interpretation is required. Recognition of the different bloodstain patterns of existing bloodstains and their generation mechanisms: Physical properties of blood: surface tension, viscosity, interaction of blood with the environment: surfaces, targets, air resistance (drag force), wettability, dripped stains, A. Canelas classification vs american authors, effect and bloodstain patterns differentiation, mechanism of generation, sattelite stains, angle of impact calculations, tangent method, use of Excel in area of origin, spatters: Impacted pattern, backspatter effect, expiration pattern effect, cast-off pattern, cessation pattern, projected pattern; Pool, saturation, drip pattern, splash; Transferred Stains, altereted stains, insect atctivity, flow stains, drip pattern, skeletonization (perimeter stain effect), contextual bias. Case studies. Notions of registration of bloodstains. Practical part:  Practical class using real blood for recognition of bloodstains patterns added to an exercise in the interpretation of criminal dynamics.

Note: we use animal blood in our training with practical activities.

Instructor: Perito  Antonio A. Canelas Neto


"40 hour BPA in Brazil "

Professional course aimed at a minimum period of 5 days. Meets IABPA educational committee requirements.

(maximum:16 participants/class). 

Objective:  Level I course that aims to start the career of bloodstain analyst by preparing the participant with greater confidence for real situations of crime scene processing, as well as in the interpretation of bloodstain patterns in different situations. It also aims to prepare the participant for a correct documentation and report writing.

Course resumé:   Click here (avaiable only in portuguese for a while)

Obs  1 : We use animal blood in our training. Course hands-on style;

Note 2: This training must be carried out in 40 hour. Upon passing this course, the participant can already be accredited as an initiating member of the IABPA in the United States with its own registration, and will also be able to attend advanced training anywhere.  Blood Training is the only basic course in all of Latin America that meets IABPA educational committee requirements;

Note 4: Certificates of participation can be provided according to course attendance. However, in order to obtain the Blood Training certification, the participant must pass a 50 multiple-choice test at the end of the course and produce a technical report on bloodstain pattern analysis. Minimum pass grade in theoretical and practial test: 70%

We will provide more details during registration.

Instructor: Perito  Antonio A. Canelas Neto.

"60 hour Advanced BPA in Brazil "

Advanced course for those who have already taken the 40 Hour course (take a look at observation 3 below). Period: 7 days of theoretical and practical activities. 

(Maximum:16 participants/class). 

Objective:  Give more depth on the BPA to professionals who have already obtained a level I certificate; Provide greater security in phenomenological definitions of BPA; Prepare the participant to write critical reports; Exercising the participant in the defense of their conclusions at jury trial; Introduce the participant to the study of blood stains on fabrics and fluid mechanics; introduce the participant to different methods of blood chemistry enhancement; Prepare the participant to obtain a greater critical evaluation of scientific methodologies in BPA research; Give more depth on cognitive bias.

Course resumé: Level I course review;  settings in BPA; understanding of physical variables in the study of BPA; critical sequencing and selectivity for collecting samples for DNA testing; introduction to the study of bloodstains on fabrics; preliminary analysis of fabrics and garments; ways of documenting and storing bloody fabrics; spatter stains and transferred stains on textile fabrics; special topics: introduction to blood chemical and physical enhancement; methods of measuring blood fluid dynamics variables; variation in bloodstain formation as a function of transport properties; use of dimensionless in experiments (Reynolds and Weber number); scientific methodology; critical evaluation of technical reports and scientific papers; guidelines from a bloodstain analyst in a jury trial; types of cognitive bias most common in bloodstain pattern analysts; potentialities of cognitive bias as snow ball effect; Case Studies; simulated crime scene processing; practice in a mock court with a defense argument (public defender participation).

Course with two assessments. A writing and a practice. Minimum pass grade in theoretical and practical test: 70%.

Obs  1 : We use animal blood in our training. Course style  hands-on

Obs  2: This training must be carried out in 60 hour (minimum 7 days)

Obs  3: We consider that our basic (40 hour) and advanced (60 hour) courses  are more advanced than others similar trainings. Therefore to participate of our 60 hour course you must be approved in a BPA basic level test if your basic certificate is from a Institute other than Blood Training.

Obs  4:  Certificates of participation can be freely provided with the attendance of the course, however to obtain the international certification of Blood Training the participant must pass theoretical written and practical assessments. We will give more details before registration.

Instructors: Perito  Antonio A. Canelas Neto.     

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