Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

international training
40 hours of BPA in Brazil
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Utilizamos real blood in our practices (animal blood ) according to the standards adopted in the main bloodstain institutes in the world.
Introduction and contextualization.
History of the study of bloodstains; World organizations; International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts (IABPA); Scientific Working Group on Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (SWGSTAIN).
The Blood and its interactions.
Coagulation and drying; superficial tension; adhesiveness/capillarity; wettability; viscosity; fluid dynamics; blood stains and types of surfaces; satellite spot and main spot; impact angle; biological risks of blood.
Classification of bloodstains.
Stuart H.James et al; Tom Bevel & R Gardner; classification by generation mechanism; mixed classification of A. Canelas. Decision making during a classification.
Dripped spots.
Generation mechanism, DNA selectivity, myths related to drip stains, case studies;
Spatter spots.
What are spatters? Projected stains, arterial stains; cast-off spots, cast-off cessation; impacted spots: characteristics, impacted by a bladed weapon, impacted by a firearm, backspatter effect, spots impacted by sputum, area of convergence, area of origin, use of Excel ® spreadsheet to determine measurements, effect of gravitational force and force of drag; considerations in the use of MTR in the blood drop trajectory; used software; case studies.
Contact spots.
Transferred stain. Contact altered stain. Dragged stain. Past stain. Skeletonization effect. Crime scene sequencing. Shape transfer.
Altered stains.
Shadow type stain. Generation mechanism. diluted stains. Most common types of dilution. Interpretation at a crime scene. Insect-altered stains. Features and differences. Other altered stains. Techniques for obtaining and interpreting bloodstains in fires.
Accumulation stains.
Blood-on-blood stain. Drip accumulation. Accumulation by volume in free fall. Puddle stains. Characteristics of puddle-like stains. Saturation spots. Characteristics of saturation spots. Case study.
Oozing stains.
Characteristics of run-off stains. Blood drying in the drip. Crime scene sequencing. Case study.
Presumptive testing for blood and sample collection for DNA.
Documentation of bloodstains.
Crime scene processing. Documentation forms. Binding of bloodstains. Sketch in cross projection. Most common documentation errors.
Contextual bias.
Approach to the main factors of cognitive influence on the decision-making process of the Criminal Expert. Research and testing of these factors involving bloodstain analysts around the world. Most common elements of influence in Brazil. Recommended actions to minimize external influences.
Preparation of the technical report.
Main errors in the elaboration of technical reports on bloodstains. Guidelines for a technical report on bloodstains. SWGSTAIN recommendations.